Corporate Solutions for Pool Maintenance
See What's Going On At Your Properties
Reporting / Auditing Capabilities for All Properties
Review all pool logs from anywhere to ensure they are being properly maintained and records are in compliance with government regulations.
The Pool Shark H2O system provides the ability to hold staff at remote locations accountable and head off costly issues before they happen.
Reduce Pool Operation Costs
Time Savings:
The typical Pool Shark H2O user spends 2 minutes in our app and they are done.
- No more lost pool logs to track down for each pool
- No more human errors from manually calculating chemical dosages
- Eliminate time spent tracking down senior staff when pools need attention
Reduce Chemical Costs:
Chemical dosing instructions specific to your pool reduces the chemicals needed when compared to generic dosage charts. Easy to follow instructions keep staff from guessing at amounts.
A properly balanced pool requires less chemicals to maintain.
Consistent Compliance and Management Platform
Is your maintenance staff staying in compliance with government swimming pool regulations across all your properties? The Pool Shark H2O system provides a standard platform to ensure all your properties maintain pool logs and water chemical levels to meet health department compliance.
Reduce Training Time for New Staff
Pools are tricky and bringing new staff onboard with all the jobs they perform can be a long process. The Pool Shark H2O system helps ensure your pool water quality doesn’t suffer! Instant water analysis gives anyone the ability to keep water chemical levels safe. Automatic notifications keep managers and senior staff informed when pools need attention, helping to make sure pools stay safe.
What does it cost to close your pool for a day?
How about a month?Reduce Pool Closings and Health Department Fines
According to the Center for Disease Control, 80% of commercial pools have health code violations due to poor water quality and recording issues. Apartment complexes and hotels typically have higher rates of violations due to frequent staff turnover.
Don't Fall for this Myth!
“We have automated controllers on our pools, so we are all set.”
Automated controllers are a huge help and required by many Health Departments. However, no Health Departments allow companies to use the records from automated controllers for compliance.