Test your pool water, let us handle the pool log book

  • ✔︎ Test water with your pool chemical test kit
  • ✔︎ Quickly enter the results into Pool Shark H2O

Congratulations – You’re Done❗️


We make pool chemistry so easy for everyone!

Instant Water Chemical Balancing

  • Precise dosage instructions, anyone can follow, to keep the water safe and clean!
  • Eliminates costly chemical waste

Instant Pool Water Analysis - Pool Shark H2O


Reminders and Alerts keep you informed and your pools safe!

Reminders & Alerts Include

  • Pool Testing Reminder – Never forget to test the water again!
  • Pool Needs Attention – be alerted when a recorded test shows chemicals out of balance.
  • Priority Notes – alerts staff when something comes up.
  • ..More

Secure Pool Log Book

A secure pool log record is created instantly for each test.

Only YOU, determine who can access your pool logs!

Health Department Compliant

Rest assured, our pool logging software meets health department requirements and has been certified by the Center for Disease Controls Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code.

MAHC Certified - Pool Shark H2O Electronic Pool Log Book

Sign Up For a 30 Day Trial

Sign up takes less than 5 minutes and doesn’t require a credit card.

Computer or Mobile Device, We Got You Covered!

Your staff can access the account on a desktop or web browser on their mobile device. We support Windows, Android and IOS.

Looking for an APP?

Sign up for the 30 day trial and then download one of our apps in the Google Play or IOS App Store. ( 30 Day Trial or Paid Account Required )

How Much Could You Save?

Pool Shark H2O with Integrated LaMotte Spin Touch

Minimum Savings Expected

Does not include savings from reduced chemicals and longer equipment life!

Annual Savings for year round pools: 0*
Annual Savings for seasonal pools(12 weeks): 0*
Manual Testing 0
Spin Touch Testing 0

* Savings estimates includes Pool Shark H2O licensing and $2.65/disk cost of 4329 single use reagent disk for Spin Touch as well as $1.10/test/manual testing reagents. Does NOT include the price of the Spin Touch water tester.

Assumptions: Water testing time estimates for complete water test (free, total and combined chlorine, pH, Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, pHosphate, iron, copper, cya stabilizer). Manual testing time 18 minutes to test and 10 minutes to calculate chemical dosages.