Pool Shark H2O
News & Updates
Facility Pool Maintenance & The Coronavirus
The good news for facilities with pools is that according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention “There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.” see statement
The key point in that statement is “Proper operation, maintenance and DISINFECTION“. Now more than ever, it is critical to keep sanitizer levels (Chlorine or Bromine) correctly balanced in your pools in order to deactivate COVID-19 virus. Online systems like Pool Shark H2O makes it easy to keep your water chemistry balanced if you are having trouble.
If your facility pool remains open here are some things you can do to help keep your staff and guests safe.
- Test Chemical levels more frequently (3 times a day or more) and potentially keep Free Chlorine levels on the higher range 2.0 -3.0ppm . Remember Free Chlorine is what disinfects the water, total chlorine includes chlorine that has done its job and is inactive. This is important❗️
- Wipe down door handles, gate handles, and ladders frequently with cleaner.
- Provide cleaner, in plastic bottles or wipes, for guests to use to wipe down tables and chairs in the pool area if provided.
- New signage (politely) asking people with symptoms to refrain from using the facility and stay home!
With many public schools and facilities closing, properties with swimming pools may see increased usage as pool water has been indicated as ‘safe’ when properly maintained. There is the potential for house-bound children to be visiting the pool more frequently so if you have lifeguards, be ready. While they are not the high risk group for COVID-19, their caregivers, potentially grandparents or retired family members are.
We all need to come together as a community in these difficult times to do our part until things get back to ‘normal’.
Stay Safe Out There!
POOL SHARK H2O Receives Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code Certification

For Immediate Release
Bennington Vermont, February 22nd
Pool Shark H2O Inc.’s patented web application, which helps commercial pool managers ensure water quality, safety and compliance to health department regulations, has been awarded certification from the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC). This certification confirms that Pool Shark H2O complies with the relevant standards and procedures outlined in the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) Model Aquatic Health Code. Pool Shark H20 is only the Second US organization to receive this certification.
The certification is granted to help promote health and safety for all commercial pools and spas in hotels, resorts and other aquatic venues using the Pool Shark H2O system, as well as providing an incentive to help ensure compliance to the Model Aquatic Health Code.
THE MODEL AQUATIC HEALTH CODE (MAHC) is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s voluntary guidance document that brings together the latest knowledge based on science and best practices to help State and local government officials develop and update pool codes. The guidance is all inclusive and covers design, construction, operation and management of public aquatic facilities. If followed, the guidelines in the MAHC can help reduce risk for drowning, injuries, and the spread of recreational water illnesses at public swimming pools and spas.
As Scott Trafton, President and CEO of Pool Shark H20 explains, “Every year we see more and more commercial pools being built. But, unfortunately, we also see increasing numbers of serious incidents where poor pool management has resulted in chemical injuries, diseases like Legionnaires and even deaths… tragedies that could be prevented by better management through adopting the CDC’s Model Aquatic Health Code.”
Trafton points out that the CMAHC developed its new certification program in its effort to educate the public about products and services that meet strict standards to help protect public pool users health and safety. He said, “Certification isn’t a one time shot. It’s something we have to earn and maintain. Every year the CMAHC will re-evaluate each certified service to make sure that it is meeting the same high standards set at the beginning. We must continually improve and meet new requirements in order to keep our certification and display the CMAHC emblem.
Consumer Impact
Hundreds of hotels, resorts spas and swim clubs in twenty nine states are using the Pool Shark H2O service to ensure water safety and to help reduce the costs associated with excess chemical usage and paper handling.
As one example, Gaylord Oprylands has been a Pool Shark H2O user for a number of years. Last December, when they opened their new state of the art water park, “Soundwaves” in Nashville, TN, they expanded their existing Pool Shark H2O account to include all aquatic attractions in the new facility.
According to Blake Ramey who manages Soundwaves.
“Using Pool Shark H20 has proven to be the best way for our staff to keep in touch with our pool chemistry from shift to shift. By utilizing the technology within Pool Shark H20 we have drastically reduced the amount of time spent on calculating adjustments. From a management perspective I would highly recommend using this tool as it has many features that traditional methods do not possess, this makes it much easier to track test results and adjustments made by the team”.
Pool Shark H20 , a patented web-based and health department compliance application, was first introduced in 2012 and includes pool chemical test records producing instant dosage calculations
based on the National Swimming Pool Foundation’s Certified Pool-Spa Operator Course™. The system also provides incident reporting, custom checklists and the ability to manage and receive realtime updates for facilities nationwide. The system is licensed on a “per pool” basis and can be customized.
For More Information on this release:
Scott Trafton
(855) 742-7542
For More Information on Pool Shark H20:
Updated 2/26/19 – certification is through Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code in partnership with Center for Disease Control.
Paper Pool Log Book vs. Electronic Records

Swimming pools are a popular amenity in hotels, apartment complexes and town recreation facilities, as they should be. After all swimming is a great exercise and the 4th most popular outdoor activity in the United States according to the US Census Bureau.
Due to the popularity and risk, many state health departments require pools and hot tubs to be monitored, chemical levels checked and logged regularly. Depending on your location this can be once a day or even hourly. This can result in A LOT of paper logs, especially if you need to store them for 7 years required in some states.
Side Note: If you are not storing your logs for multiple years, you should be. They are your only proof that your pool was properly maintained incase an incident happens.
The upfront cost of paper pool logs may appear to be less expensive than electronic options until you start looking at the cost of paper handling, storage, reproducing the logs for health departments or corporate offices. Not to mention the back and forth of each log book and putting it back for each pool. A 2009 report from the Resource Information Systems Inc. estimated companies in the United States spend $8 billion a year moving paper around.
The benefits of electronic pool logs are many:
- Eliminates all paper handling
- Remote access from smartphones or computer
- Can’t be lost or destroyed by water
- No storage space required
Many electronic pool record systems also provide water analysis, eliminating time consuming math calculations and ensuring the chemical levels are correct.
Whether you use a simple google docs form, or an online system like Pool Shark H2O, Digiquatics or Facility Manager™, electronic pool logs are a cost affective way of going green and helping to keep your pools and hot tubs clean and your guests safe.
Which after all is what we should be aiming for!